
Model Contest Awards
This page contains photo's of some of the models that have won awards over the years. We hope it will
give you some insight as to what we are interested in. It will also show some of the teqniqes we use to build
or models. with each new model we try to raise the bar from the pervios model.
This model won 1st place at O scale West 2013 favorite train Passenger cars.
Below are ​photos and descriptions for some of our finished models with interior parts,​ using our production castings.​ It will allow you to get an Idea as to how these castings relate to car interiors. Most castings can be trimmed to fit other cars with like interiors. We use an 8" disk and belt sander in trimming the castings, we have found this works very well.
It also has some interior mock ups for various cars as the relate to the car floor plan.